Player Info

Personal information

User: kametniza
Team: none
Real Name: not set
Age: not set
Gender: not set
Location: not set
Email Address: not set
Class: the drunk
Level: 52
Next level: 14 days, 09:29:25
Status: Online
Host: kamenitza!
Account Created: Sat Apr 6 06:39:17 2024
Last login: Fri Jul 26 12:40:11 2024
Total time idled: 109 days, 17:05:48
Current position: [9,75]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]

Gold: 179
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
kametniza Has Hero?: Yes
Hero Level: 4
kametniza Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0


Show map


Amulet: 303 [Amulet of High Spirits]
Boots: 279 [Boots of the Ancient Protector]
Charm: 300 [Luminous Charm]
Gloves: 332 [Radiant Gloves]
Helm: 471 [Incandescent Helm]
Leggings: 296 [Leggings of the Wolf]
Ring: 318 [Ring of the Wolf]
Shield: 429 [Shimmering Shield]
Tunic: 271 [Tunic of the Wolf]
Weapon: 233 [Bright Weapon]

Sum: 3232

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 198
Battles Lost: 179
Total Battle Time Removed: 35 days, 20:59:31
Total Battle Time Added: 25 days, 17:12:56
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0

Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: 9 days, 14:58:39
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: 0 days, 08:00:05

Total: 9 days, 22:58:44

Recent Character Modifiers

spacer [07/24/24 23:57:27.047] ottis, with his level 9 Hero [7376/7924][8187/8796] has challenged kametniza [546/3232][579/3426] in combat and won! 1 day, 12:31:00 is removed from ottis's clock. ottis reaches level 55 in 4 days, 07:55:56. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 04:29:03.039] Jyynee, with its level 9 Hero [20362/48665][22602/54018] has challenged kametniza [293/3232][311/3426] in combat and won! 0 days, 04:16:05 is removed from Jyynee's clock. Jyynee reaches level 106 in 0 days, 12:08:54. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 10:07:23.264] Appocomaster, with his level 9 Hero [520/27241][577/30238] has challenged kametniza [1299/3232][1377/3426] in combat and lost! 0 days, 04:05:17 is added to Appocomaster's clock. Appocomaster reaches level 91 in 1 day, 09:17:22. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 11:44:18.393] Arjuna, with its level 9 Hero [539/10794][598/11981] has challenged kametniza [2155/3232][2284/3426] in combat and lost! 0 days, 02:39:45 is added to Arjuna's clock. Arjuna reaches level 58 in 0 days, 21:40:50. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 17:47:41.952] Spiralix, with his level 9 Hero [43919/47227][48750/52422] has challenged kametniza [2663/3232][2823/3426] in combat and won! 17 days, 17:01:43 is removed from Spiralix's clock. Spiralix reaches level 106 in 50 days, 09:41:52. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 17:58:10.459] kametniza, with its level 4 Hero [2076/3232][2201/3426] has challenged JoseRizal [2474/3640] in combat and lost! 0 days, 18:57:13 is added to kametniza's clock. kametniza reaches level 53 in 12 days, 01:43:13.
[07/25/24 21:58:11.652] Lord255 [1430/3923] has challenged kametniza [924/3232][979/3426] in combat and won! 0 days, 04:45:22 is removed from Lord255's clock. Lord255 reaches level 53 in 1 day, 07:49:51.
[07/26/24 02:07:39.265] kametniza, with its level 4 Hero [1260/3232][1336/3426] has been set upon by a Mature Red Dragon [3052/3768] and lost! 1 day, 01:20:26 is added to kametniza's clock. kametniza reaches level 53 in 12 days, 18:54:10.
[07/26/24 04:16:25.400] RussRuss, with its level 9 Hero [2615/15304][2903/16987] has challenged kametniza [2823/3232][2992/3426] in combat and lost! 0 days, 17:23:19 is added to RussRuss's clock. RussRuss reaches level 66 in 5 days, 21:35:35. (manual challenge)
[07/26/24 06:10:32.061] User72 [1169/3585] has challenged kametniza [1973/3232][2091/3426] in combat and lost! 1 day, 06:25:27 is added to User72's clock. User72 reaches level 54 in 19 days, 09:03:23.
[07/26/24 06:11:23.650] kametniza, the level 52 the drunk, has logged in on Rizon, nickname kamenitza_. It reaches level 53 in 12 days, 14:50:25.
[07/26/24 06:12:47.874] kametniza, the level 52 the drunk, has logged in on Rizon, nickname kamenitza__. It reaches level 53 in 12 days, 14:49:01.
[07/26/24 08:01:06.899] BustaFrags, with its level 9 Hero [3767/13504][4181/14989] has challenged kametniza [1882/3232][1995/3426] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:27:32 is removed from BustaFrags's clock. BustaFrags reaches level 69 in 0 days, 04:09:11. (manual challenge)
[07/26/24 12:40:11.915] kametniza, the level 52 the drunk, has logged in on Rizon, nickname kamenitza. It reaches level 53 in 13 days, 03:17:30.
[07/26/24 14:47:05.369] kametniza got so drunk they passed out and were found naked in town . This terrible calamity has slowed them 1 day, 10:26:58 from level 53. kametniza reaches level 53 in 14 days, 11:37:35.

[View all Character Modifiers (754)]