Player Info
Personal information
User: Mugger
Team: none
Real Name: not set
Age: not set
Gender: not set
Location: not set
Email Address: not set
Class: Need to be free
Level: 41
Next level: 0 days, 15:25:07
Status: Offline
Host: Mugger!
Account Created: Thu Mar 14 22:54:00 2024
Last login: Thu Jan 2 17:06:28 2025
Total time idled: 293 days, 18:01:51
Current position: [529,441]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]
Gold: 2029
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
Mugger Has Hero?: No
Hero Level: 0
Mugger Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0
Show mapItems
Amulet: 49 [Amulet of Caution]
Boots: 70 [Sparkling Boots]
Charm: 96 [Charm of Calming]
Gloves: 103 [Gloves of Caution]
Helm: 265 [Shimmering Helm of Calming]
Leggings: 38
Ring: 336 [Glowing Ring of Ice]
Shield: 79 [Shield of Respect]
Tunic: 192 [Bright Tunic]
Weapon: 162 [Glowing Weapon]
Sum: 1390
Penalties & Battles
Battles Won: 82
Battles Lost: 100
Total Battle Time Removed: 3 days, 17:10:05
Total Battle Time Added: 1 day, 19:28:01
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0
Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: None
Total: None
Recent Character Modifiers
[01/17/25 19:25:17.461] Mugger, Mi[R]ay, BOMBER, Beefcan, BLUE_|CE, and MacRuss [9473/12805] have group battled Spock, edo, n0ssh, _Anaisa_, Randy, and Lua [763/4787] and won! 0 days, 00:01:23 is removed from their clocks.
[01/18/25 01:56:03.863] Quo-fan, Lua, Mugger, Induu, and bong [1631/8680] have group battled Pulasan, Livana, Hekik, Kusumanjali, popey, and Bishop [1565/4971] and won! 0 days, 00:24:33 is removed from their clocks.
[01/18/25 06:07:23.265] NoelEdmonds, with his level 9 Hero [5056/5747][5612/6379] has challenged Mugger [389/1256] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:42:28 is removed from NoelEdmonds's clock. NoelEdmonds reaches level 50 in 0 days, 02:49:52. (manual challenge)
[01/18/25 07:31:22.011] gnat, with its level 9 Hero [737/6920][818/7681] has challenged Mugger [6/1256] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:32:55 is removed from gnat's clock. gnat reaches level 51 in 0 days, 06:11:40. (manual challenge)
[01/18/25 08:41:34.403] Mugger [901/1256] has been set upon by a Gynosphinx [255/1092] and won! 0 days, 03:24:29 is removed from Mugger's clock. Mugger reaches level 41 in 1 day, 00:59:34.
[01/19/25 02:15:53.912] Mugger has won the Low-Level Blind Tournament! As a reward for its battling skills, 0 days, 02:14:09 is removed from its time and it gets 200 gold! Mugger reaches level 41 in 0 days, 05:11:03.
[01/19/25 03:32:58.729] Mugger [50/1256] fights with the legendary Dread Pirate Roberts [1586/1650] and lost! 0 days, 01:50:00 added to Mugger's time. Mugger reaches level 41 in 0 days, 05:44:01.
[01/19/25 09:16:57.910] Mugger, Need to be free, has attained level 41! It reaches level 42 in 3 days, 01:13:09.
[01/19/25 09:16:57.923] Mugger [1099/1277] has challenged _Alectrona_ [559/920] in combat and won! 0 days, 07:19:18 is removed from Mugger's clock. Mugger reaches level 42 in 2 days, 17:53:51.
[01/19/25 09:16:57.926] Mugger [1224/1277] has been set upon by a Sabertoothed-Moose-Lion [78/1149] and won! 0 days, 07:54:27 is removed from Mugger's clock. Mugger reaches level 42 in 2 days, 09:59:24.
[01/19/25 16:54:00.260] Mahrukhhh, Bidlisiw, [N]eoma, and EddyHelmi [3216/3713] have group battled Mugger, Merovingian, Elara, and [M]iranda [2940/4624] and won! 0 days, 00:28:20 is removed from their clocks.
[01/19/25 19:18:03.703] Calamay, with its level 9 Hero [503/3014][558/3346] has challenged Mugger [281/1277] in combat and won! 0 days, 03:56:43 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 44 in 0 days, 15:46:52. (manual challenge)
[01/20/25 01:38:41.079] Mugger [1312/1390] has been set upon by a Elder Tojanida [350/1334] and won! 0 days, 04:59:43 is removed from Mugger's clock. Mugger reaches level 42 in 1 day, 12:38:01.
[01/20/25 12:08:30.895] Mugger [910/1390] has been set upon by a Eight Headed Pyro-hydra [771/1223] and won! 0 days, 03:08:10 is removed from Mugger's clock. Mugger reaches level 42 in 0 days, 23:00:01.
[01/20/25 17:04:36.239] lord-znc [1053/1397] has challenged Mugger [1050/1390] in combat and won! 0 days, 08:29:36 is removed from lord-znc's clock. lord-znc reaches level 43 in 3 days, 04:26:28.
[View all Character Modifiers (287)]