Player Info

Personal information

User: Galatea
Team: UnderX Slasher
Real Name: CLINKZ
Age: 69
Gender: female
Location: DUBAI
Email Address:
Level: 37
Next level: 1 day, 04:14:54
Status: Online
Host: Galatea!Galatea@5A75A3BC:396449B9:780D5F0A:IP
Account Created: Mon Oct 9 23:23:00 2023
Last login: Sun Sep 8 12:09:54 2024
Total time idled: 331 days, 01:38:20
Current position: [767,295]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]

Gold: 1880
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
Galatea Has Hero?: No
Hero Level: 0
Galatea Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0


Show map


Amulet: 39
Boots: 69 [Sparkling Boots]
Charm: 37
Gloves: 50 [Gloves of Caution]
Helm: 30
Leggings: 127 [Shimmering Leggings]
Ring: 51
Shield: 26
Tunic: 73 [Tunic of Respect]
Weapon: 52

Sum: 554

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 83
Battles Lost: 87
Total Battle Time Removed: 2 days, 02:11:04
Total Battle Time Added: 0 days, 21:39:31
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0

Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: None

Total: None

Recent Character Modifiers

spacer [09/10/24 23:06:18.180] Galatea [161/537] has been set upon by a Criosphinx [638/886] and lost! 0 days, 01:36:12 is added to Galatea's clock. Galatea reaches level 37 in 1 day, 09:40:31.
[09/10/24 23:06:21.629] Koach, Ayselll, dwils, Elara, Carme, and Galatea [2746/3512] have group battled Sara[n], CAINGGET, Barbaaata, evo, Liamw90, Lunatic, and Hekik [1205/6378] and won! 0 days, 00:16:30 is removed from their clocks.
[09/11/24 00:12:20.611] Ayselll [100/534] has challenged Galatea [443/537] in combat and lost! 0 days, 02:26:24 is added to Ayselll's clock. Ayselll reaches level 37 in 1 day, 13:18:02.
[09/11/24 00:13:18.498] Larissa, d4n13L_, Kaalaka, Merovingian, gnat, and Lord255 [3045/6142] have group battled Bethsheba, MacRuss, Galatea, Werewolf, Cressida, MrGlass, and chubbygirl [4168/5044] and lost! 0 days, 00:06:49 is added to their clocks.
[09/11/24 01:15:03.053] EvilRuss, with its level 9 Hero [15/2365][17/2625] has challenged Galatea [453/537] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:28:55 is added to EvilRuss's clock. EvilRuss reaches level 40 in 0 days, 12:04:04. (manual challenge)
[09/11/24 05:07:02.976] Cressida, keepmyshirt, f0zk, Lord255, Asmodean, MacRuss, and cLuBbY [6387/6472] have group battled Despina, peer, Bethsheba, Galatea, sslmystic, Savage, Mahrukhhh, and myLove [889/5856] and won! 0 days, 00:20:49 is removed from their clocks.
[09/11/24 10:03:47.140] Galatea [179/545] fights with the legendary Merlin [104/1500] and wins! 0 days, 01:30:00 removed from Galatea's time and 10 gold added. Galatea reaches level 37 in 0 days, 19:08:04.
[09/11/24 20:42:23.903] lurker, with its level 9 Hero [2815/3014][3125/3346] has challenged Galatea [3/554] in combat and won! 0 days, 14:58:46 is removed from lurker's clock. lurker reaches level 43 in 2 days, 20:14:26. (manual challenge)
[09/11/24 23:20:20.129] Galatea [71/554] has come upon EddyHelmi [479/729] and brought bronze weapons to an iron fight! Galatea cries. 0 days, 00:22:36 is added to Galatea's clock. Galatea reaches level 37 in 0 days, 05:45:33.
[09/12/24 02:47:53.225] User72 [610/750] has challenged Galatea [79/554] in combat and won! 0 days, 03:38:22 is removed from User72's clock. User72 reaches level 38 in 1 day, 12:47:56.
[09/12/24 05:05:50.400] Galatea, CLINKZ, has attained level 37! She reaches level 38 in 1 day, 16:26:18.
[09/12/24 05:05:50.402] Galatea found a level 22 leggings, but it wasn't better than her level 127 Shimmering Leggings. She drops it on the ground.
[09/12/24 05:05:50.418] Galatea [229/554] has challenged Barry [22/674] in combat and won! 0 days, 03:38:22 is removed from Galatea's clock. Galatea reaches level 38 in 1 day, 12:47:56.
[09/12/24 05:05:50.420] Galatea [342/554] has been set upon by a Greater Barghest [75/587] and won! 0 days, 04:24:57 is removed from Galatea's clock. Galatea reaches level 38 in 1 day, 08:22:59.
[09/12/24 06:35:24.715] punks, sslmystic, Tsukii, myhead, Galatea, and Kali [4282/6612] have group battled inhiding, chubbygirl, Induu, Ayselll, ninamanje, Belinda, and snapto [631/4150] and won! 0 days, 00:26:16 is removed from their clocks.

[View all Character Modifiers (223)]