Player Info

Personal information

User: Rosalinnd
Team: UnderX Slasher
Real Name: not set
Age: 69
Gender: female
Location: DUBAI
Email Address:
Level: 50
Next level: 0 days, 05:59:44
Status: Online
Host: Rosalinnd!Rosalind@34C8E9ED:92B99552:780D5F0A:IP
Account Created: Mon Oct 9 01:33:44 2023
Last login: Fri Jul 26 23:02:44 2024
Total time idled: 284 days, 17:50:04
Current position: [435,632]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]

Gold: 3805
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
Rosalinnd Has Hero?: No
Hero Level: 0
Rosalinnd Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0


Show map


Amulet: 323 [Amulet of Force]
Boots: 411 [Blazing Boots]
Charm: 370 [Charm of Moderation]
Gloves: 294 [Luminous Gloves]
Helm: 302 [Shimmering Helm of Ice]
Leggings: 229 [Leggings of Moderation]
Ring: 240 [Ring of Moderation]
Shield: 326 [Shield of Force]
Tunic: 342 [Glowing Tunic of Caution]
Weapon: 267 [Shimmering Weapon of Respect]

Sum: 3104

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 243
Battles Lost: 386
Total Battle Time Removed: 33 days, 17:49:07
Total Battle Time Added: 45 days, 20:57:32
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0

Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: 2 days, 03:15:42
Quest: None
Quit: 1 day, 08:10:56

Total: 3 days, 11:26:38

Recent Character Modifiers

spacer [07/24/24 12:26:02.826] ottis, with his level 9 Hero [6899/7800][7658/8658] has challenged Rosalinnd [2270/3104] in combat and won! 2 days, 16:26:04 is removed from ottis's clock. ottis reaches level 55 in 8 days, 12:02:36. (manual challenge)
[07/24/24 19:48:19.484] Rosalinnd [1057/3104] fights with the legendary Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander [1494/1800] and lost! 0 days, 02:30:00 added to Rosalinnd's time. Rosalinnd reaches level 51 in 2 days, 18:25:18.
[07/25/24 12:58:12.603] Silvanus_Betrium [2147/3648] has challenged Rosalinnd [1588/3104] in combat and won! 1 day, 16:45:07 is removed from Silvanus_Betrium's clock. Silvanus_Betrium reaches level 54 in 12 days, 10:50:55.
[07/25/24 16:43:59.882] Rosalinnd [395/3104] fights with the legendary Harry Potter [546/900] and lost! 0 days, 01:15:00 added to Rosalinnd's time. Rosalinnd reaches level 51 in 1 day, 22:44:38.
[07/25/24 22:01:35.021] Vinterny [1830/3094] has challenged Rosalinnd [341/3104] in combat and won! 1 day, 20:57:43 is removed from Vinterny's clock. Vinterny reaches level 53 in 13 days, 17:43:16.
[07/25/24 22:26:59.571] Rosalinnd went blind temporarily . This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 04:06:09 from level 51. Rosalinnd reaches level 51 in 1 day, 21:07:47.
[07/25/24 22:37:38.604] Oracle, RussellB, MooRuss, Margo, Evoshizu, and aku [60796/113410] have group battled Rosalinnd, Volana, lord-znc, TheSilentLink, ottis, MacRuss, and Asmodean [20763/101376] and won! 0 days, 01:31:00 is removed from their clocks.
[07/26/24 02:02:50.945] Rosalinnd [230/3104] fights with the legendary Princess Buttercup [315/450] and lost! 0 days, 00:37:30 added to Rosalinnd's time. Rosalinnd reaches level 51 in 1 day, 18:09:26.
[07/26/24 04:52:41.650] Rosalinnd has won the Low-Level Blind Tournament! As a reward for her battling skills, 0 days, 11:50:21 is removed from her time and she gets 200 gold! Rosalinnd reaches level 51 in 1 day, 03:29:11.
[07/26/24 08:11:14.482] Mag, with its level 9 Hero [19472/23263][21614/25822] has challenged Rosalinnd [250/3104] in combat and won! 0 days, 09:47:57 is removed from Mag's clock. Mag reaches level 76 in 1 day, 07:01:54. (manual challenge)
[07/26/24 11:19:45.733] DudeRuss, with its level 9 Hero [17016/19708][18888/21876] has challenged Rosalinnd [116/3104] in combat and won! 1 day, 11:33:07 is removed from DudeRuss's clock. DudeRuss reaches level 73 in 4 days, 16:34:55. (manual challenge)
[07/26/24 17:23:37.871] Rares, with its level 9 Hero [34635/35048][38445/38903] has challenged Rosalinnd [655/3104] in combat and won! 0 days, 02:12:13 is removed from Rares's clock. Rares reaches level 93 in 0 days, 06:58:45. (manual challenge)
[07/26/24 17:43:18.867] Kenshin [3026/3085] has challenged Rosalinnd [954/3104] in combat and won! 2 days, 04:09:21 is removed from Kenshin's clock. Kenshin reaches level 54 in 15 days, 22:28:35.
[07/26/24 21:44:17.242] Rosalinnd [1215/3104] has been set upon by a Sabertoothed-Moose-Lion [436/1148] and won! 0 days, 00:46:23 is removed from Rosalinnd's clock. Rosalinnd reaches level 51 in 0 days, 10:16:25.
[07/26/24 23:29:14.558] Grainz, Quillaa, Freckles, Huyuhoy, deXXteR, Rosalinnd, and Fritzl [9840/42388] have group battled Gry, NotaMuzika, JoseRizal, lurker, tabb, Spiralix, aisara, and Oracle [8989/93624] and won! 0 days, 01:42:17 is removed from their clocks.

[View all Character Modifiers (747)]