Player Info

Personal information

User: Tsukii
Team: UnderX Slasher
Real Name: not set
Age: 69
Gender: female
Location: DUBAI
Email Address:
Class: PUCK
Level: 53
Next level: 2 days, 01:04:54
Status: Online
Host: Tsukii!Tsukii@B4D6C3E0:C1872E53:780D5F0A:IP
Account Created: Mon Oct 9 00:53:09 2023
Last login: Fri Jul 26 23:02:44 2024
Total time idled: 284 days, 14:15:39
Current position: [417,65]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]

Gold: 4266
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
Tsukii Has Hero?: No
Hero Level: 0
Tsukii Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0


Show map


Amulet: 331 [Amulet of Force]
Boots: 277 [Boots of the Ancient Protector]
Charm: 366 [Glowing Charm of Redemption]
Gloves: 171 [Gloves of Ice]
Helm: 693 [Radiant Helm of Force]
Leggings: 320 [Luminous Leggings]
Ring: 308 [Luminous Ring]
Shield: 570 [Luminous Shield of Moderation]
Tunic: 557 [Radiant Tunic of High Spirits]
Weapon: 384 [Weapon of the Planes]

Sum: 3977

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 251
Battles Lost: 338
Total Battle Time Removed: 44 days, 17:40:04
Total Battle Time Added: 33 days, 23:26:02
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0

Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: 3 days, 17:00:00

Total: 3 days, 17:00:00

Recent Character Modifiers

spacer [07/23/24 20:26:33.934] evo, with its level 9 Hero [41372/44728][45923/49648] has challenged Tsukii [2337/3922] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:37 is removed from evo's clock. evo reaches level 103 in 0 days, 00:04:38. (manual challenge)
[07/23/24 21:48:46.200] Tsukii [3718/3922] has come upon Darnokz [1/953] and straight stomped them in combat! Darnokz cries! 0 days, 09:06:17 is removed from Tsukii's clock. Tsukii reaches level 54 in 5 days, 00:57:54.
[07/23/24 23:42:40.408] Tsukii, the level 53 PUCK, is now online from UnderX, nickname Tsukii. She reaches level 54 in 5 days, 13:39:35.
[07/24/24 03:47:58.091] Tsukii receives an honorable mention! As a reward for her efforts, 0 days, 13:19:41 is removed from her time, she gets 50 gold, and 25 points to her weapon! Tsukii reaches level 54 in 4 days, 20:14:37.
[07/24/24 14:53:54.776] Mithkabob, with its level 9 Hero [25507/48739][28313/54100] has challenged Tsukii [2566/3947] in combat and won! 0 days, 09:27:25 is removed from Mithkabob's clock. Mithkabob reaches level 109 in 1 day, 02:55:01. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 07:05:54.343] GhostRuss, with its level 9 Hero [20276/31741][22506/35233] has challenged Tsukii [1189/3977] in combat and won! 5 days, 19:30:07 is removed from GhostRuss's clock. GhostRuss reaches level 84 in 16 days, 13:02:39. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 20:57:28.719] Sadewa, with its level 9 Hero [6473/13073][7185/14511] has challenged Tsukii [2900/3977] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:19 is removed from Sadewa's clock. Sadewa reaches level 64 in 0 days, 00:03:45. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 21:14:40.948] testcrab, with his level 9 Hero [2546/36749][2826/40791] has challenged Tsukii [2068/3977] in combat and won! 0 days, 04:39:42 is removed from testcrab's clock. testcrab reaches level 104 in 0 days, 13:16:07. (manual challenge)
[07/26/24 09:50:32.806] ChatLounge (Ben, Limnoria, Mag, Margo, Merovingian, and sslmystic) [111760/116517] have team battled UnderX Slasher (Barabaal, Channary, Tsukii, _Andarta_, daylife, and daytoday) [9817/20788] and won! Everyone in ChatLounge gets 1% removed, and everyone in UnderX Slasher gets 1% added.
[07/26/24 11:21:19.235] Tsukii [2356/3977] fights with the legendary Lord Voldemort [1404/2100] and wins! 0 days, 03:05:30 removed from Tsukii's time and 10 gold added. Tsukii reaches level 54 in 2 days, 12:36:02.
[07/26/24 16:03:54.369] Tsukii [603/3977] has been set upon by a Mature Red Dragon [1197/3738] and lost! 0 days, 05:04:59 is added to Tsukii's clock. Tsukii reaches level 54 in 2 days, 13:33:43.
[07/26/24 16:34:45.774] Tsukii [1130/3977] fights with the legendary Severus Snape [1111/1800] and wins! 0 days, 02:39:00 removed from Tsukii's time and 10 gold added. Tsukii reaches level 54 in 2 days, 10:23:52.
[07/26/24 17:24:20.616] Tsukii [651/3977] fights with the legendary Merlin [620/1500] and wins! 0 days, 02:12:30 removed from Tsukii's time and 10 gold added. Tsukii reaches level 54 in 2 days, 07:21:47.
[07/26/24 18:03:55.075] Kusumanjali [3862/3867] has challenged Tsukii [448/3977] in combat and won! 2 days, 08:30:07 is removed from Kusumanjali's clock. Kusumanjali reaches level 54 in 15 days, 18:07:49.
[07/26/24 20:23:49.826] Rares, with its level 9 Hero [34469/35049][38261/38904] has challenged Tsukii [1734/3977] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:02:01 is removed from Rares's clock. Rares reaches level 93 in 0 days, 02:56:32. (manual challenge)

[View all Character Modifiers (709)]