Player Info

Personal information

User: Werewolf
Team: Horde
Real Name: Nathan
Age: 31
Gender: male
Location: not set
Email Address: not set
Class: Lycan
Level: 55
Next level: 9 days, 16:57:37
Status: Online
Host: Werewolf!
Account Created: Fri Oct 22 15:33:27 2021
Last login: Fri Jul 26 23:02:48 2024
Total time idled: 919 days, 05:51:43
Current position: [104,153]
Alignment: Good/Priest
XML: [link]

Gold: 1229
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
Werewolf Has Hero?: Yes
Hero Level: 9
Werewolf Has Engineer?: Yes
Engineer Level: 9


Show map


Amulet: 304 [Shimmering Amulet]
Boots: 637 [Boots of Calming]
Charm: 603 [Bright Charm]
Gloves: 720 [Shimmering Gloves]
Helm: 575 [Helm of Calming]
Leggings: 725 [Glowing Leggings]
Ring: 544 [Bright Ring]
Shield: 758 [Shield of Ice]
Tunic: 526 [Shimmering Tunic of Power]
Weapon: 800 [Shimmering Weapon of Calming]

Sum: 6192

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 561
Battles Lost: 455
Total Battle Time Removed: 129 days, 09:07:25
Total Battle Time Added: 53 days, 05:24:21
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0

Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: 1 day, 09:36:40

Total: 1 day, 09:36:40

Recent Character Modifiers

spacer [07/24/24 11:21:16.011] UnderX Slasher (Barabaal, Carme, Cressida, Kali, Mahrukhhh, and myeyes) [10845/21127] have team battled Horde (Barry, Freckles, Werewolf, dewa, sOdAgiRL, and soltys) [41039/45012] and lost! Everyone in UnderX Slasher gets 3% added, and everyone in Horde gets 3% removed.
[07/24/24 11:51:48.430] Mia, with her level 9 Hero [33043/47095][36678/52275] has challenged Werewolf [1274/6748][1414/7490] in combat and won! 1 day, 23:51:15 is removed from Mia's clock. Mia reaches level 109 in 5 days, 16:12:02. (manual challenge)
[07/24/24 19:42:24.650] MaxBerN, with its level 0 Hero [172/2425][175/2474] has been set upon by a Werewolf Lord [1928/2424] and lost! 0 days, 01:21:59 is added to MaxBerN's clock. MaxBerN reaches level 44 in 0 days, 16:33:00.
[07/24/24 21:54:05.162] Calamay, with its level 4 Hero [17/2458][18/2605] has been set upon by a Werewolf Lord [1959/2422] and lost! 0 days, 12:46:00 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 46 in 6 days, 10:37:14.
[07/25/24 11:05:55.920] Werewolf [6471/6762] fights with the legendary Frodo Baggins [515/600] and wins! 0 days, 00:55:00 removed from Werewolf's time and 10 gold added. Werewolf reaches level 56 in 10 days, 20:38:28.
[07/25/24 11:31:21.526] Barabaal, JoseRizal, Pirchxxx, BLUE_|CE, and NoelEdmonds [58549/77539] have group battled Beata, Werewolf, GhostRuss, Induu, ElfStar, and Mithkabob [40923/81000] and won! 1 day, 06:47:13 is removed from their clocks.
[07/25/24 11:59:40.529] testcrab, with his level 9 Hero [35948/36481][39902/40494] has challenged Werewolf [1998/6762][2218/7506] in combat and won! 1 day, 08:46:44 is removed from testcrab's clock. testcrab reaches level 104 in 3 days, 21:17:41. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 12:05:47.294] lurker, with its level 9 Hero [33382/35671][37054/39595] has challenged Werewolf [1841/6762][2044/7506] in combat and won! 10 days, 00:55:42 is removed from lurker's clock. lurker reaches level 93 in 28 days, 13:43:10. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 13:27:58.778] Netgamers Battle Crew (Appocomaster, HRH_H_Crab, macrocrab, and testcrab) [105602/150129] have team battled Horde (Freckles, Werewolf, dewa, and sOdAgiRL) [36902/36936] and won! Everyone in Netgamers Battle Crew gets 4% removed, and everyone in Horde gets 2% added.
[07/25/24 14:58:01.929] Werewolf, with his level 9 Hero [5340/6762][5927/7506] has been set upon by a Aboleth Mage [2456/3377] and won! 0 days, 18:20:08 is removed from Werewolf's clock. Werewolf reaches level 56 in 10 days, 03:36:09.
[07/25/24 15:28:23.766] Nakula, with its level 9 Hero [4166/7439][4624/8257] has challenged Werewolf [5405/6762][6000/7506] in combat and lost! 1 day, 15:26:32 is added to Nakula's clock. Nakula reaches level 55 in 13 days, 09:10:24. (manual challenge)
[07/25/24 16:48:27.840] Werewolf met up with a mob hitman for not paying his bills . This terrible calamity has slowed them 0 days, 19:20:27 from level 56. Werewolf reaches level 56 in 10 days, 21:06:10.
[07/25/24 19:19:55.514] Werewolf and JMT have not let the iniquities of evil men poison them. Together have they prayed to their god, and it is His light that now shines upon them. 10% of their time is removed from their clocks.
[07/25/24 19:19:55.517] Werewolf reaches level 56 in 9 days, 16:43:14. JMT reaches level 106 in 3 days, 23:35:38.
[07/26/24 21:41:38.719] Werewolf, the level 55 Lycan, is now online from Undernet, nickname Werewolf. He reaches level 56 in 9 days, 19:30:09.

[View all Character Modifiers (1467)]