Player Info
Personal information
User: RussellB
Team: Russell's Evil Maniacs
Real Name: Russell
Age: 46
Gender: male
Location: United Kingdom
Email Address: not set
Class: Crazy Amiga User
Level: 40
Next level: 0 days, 17:56:55
Status: Online
Host: RussellB3!~RussellB@cd7b0240.939ca809.12c4f0a3.IP4
Account Created: Tue Nov 3 08:05:56 2009
Last login: Mon Sep 9 17:56:48 2024
Total time idled: 3807 days, 03:48:37
Current position: [804,204]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]
Gold: 40
Bank: 233
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
RussellB Has Hero?: Yes
Hero Level: 9
RussellB Has Engineer?: Yes
Engineer Level: 9
Show mapItems
Amulet: 247
Boots: 243 [Shimmering Boots]
Charm: 242
Gloves: 241
Helm: 243 [Shimmering Helm]
Leggings: 258 [Shimmering Leggings]
Ring: 259 [Glowing Ring of Caution]
Shield: 243 [Shimmering Shield]
Tunic: 246 [Sparkling Tunic of Caution]
Weapon: 266 [Shimmering Weapon]
Sum: 2488
Penalties & Battles
Battles Won: 457
Battles Lost: 201
Total Battle Time Removed: 16 days, 15:42:33
Total Battle Time Added: 7 days, 15:23:42
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 5
BET commands used (out of 5): 5
Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: None
Total: None
Recent Character Modifiers
[09/12/24 05:10:01.625] RussellB, with his level 9 Hero [1799/2691][1997/2987] has attacked a Lich [204/600] and killed it! 0 days, 01:17:11 is removed from RussellB's clock. RussellB reaches level 41 in 1 day, 15:52:41.
[09/12/24 05:10:01.626] RussellB found a level 37 boots, but it wasn't better than his level 238 Shimmering Boots. He gives it to his Engineer.
[09/12/24 05:15:16.206] RussellB upgraded his shield 6 points to level 239, and has 40 gold left.
[09/12/24 06:30:12.224] RussellB, with his level 9 Hero [2692/2702][2988/2999] has attacked a Lich [520/600] and killed it! 0 days, 01:12:15 is removed from RussellB's clock. RussellB reaches level 41 in 1 day, 13:20:15.
[09/12/24 06:30:12.225] RussellB found a level 55 gloves, but it wasn't better than his level 234 gloves. He gives it to his Engineer.
[09/12/24 06:32:48.798] RussellB upgraded his charm 5 points to level 241, and has 40 gold left.
[09/12/24 06:39:49.587] Darnokz, thedex, root, ghost, RussellB, n0ssh, and lust [7731/8731] have group battled d4n13L, Ayselll, Vinterny, myeyes, inhiding, Pirchxxx, CADREPH, and Misza [3237/4992] and won! 0 days, 00:54:24 is removed from their clocks.
[09/12/24 07:27:04.570] RussellB upgraded his tunic 1 points to level 239, and has 40 gold left.
[09/12/24 07:29:47.488] RussellB, with his level 9 Hero [770/2715][855/3014] has challenged RickAstley [128/1791][142/1988] in combat and won! 0 days, 06:07:05 is removed from RussellB's clock. RussellB reaches level 41 in 1 day, 03:52:20. (manual challenge)
[09/12/24 07:37:08.200] RussellB upgraded his tunic 1 points to level 240, and has 40 gold left.
[09/12/24 07:42:10.926] RussellB upgraded his shield 3 points to level 242, and has 40 gold left.
[09/12/24 07:50:24.138] RussellB, with his level 9 Hero [1004/2720][1114/3019] has attacked a Lich [115/600] and killed it! 0 days, 00:51:36 is removed from RussellB's clock. RussellB reaches level 41 in 1 day, 02:40:07.
[09/12/24 07:50:24.140] RussellB found the level 54 Tunic of Caution, but it wasn't better than his level 240 Sparkling Tunic of Caution. He gives it to his Engineer.
[09/12/24 07:50:29.178] RussellB has won the High-Level Quick Tournament! As a reward for his battling skills, 0 days, 08:00:34 is removed from his time and he gets 100 gold! RussellB reaches level 41 in 0 days, 18:39:26.
[09/12/24 07:52:15.141] RussellB upgraded all his items by 1 points, and has 40 gold left.
[View all Character Modifiers (1045)]