Player Info
Personal information
User: baNdUAN
Team: none
Real Name: not set
Age: not set
Gender: not set
Location: not set
Email Address: not set
Class: Glorious.Sabahan.Net
Level: 43
Next level: 0 days, 10:07:37
Status: Online
Host: baNdUAN!
Account Created: Fri Aug 5 00:24:48 2022
Last login: Mon Jan 27 00:39:07 2025
Total time idled: 648 days, 21:47:20
Current position: [583,158]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]
Gold: 1368
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
baNdUAN Has Hero?: No
Hero Level: 0
baNdUAN Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0
Amulet: 107 [Amulet of Calming]
Boots: 78 [Sparkling Boots]
Charm: 133 [Charm of Ice]
Gloves: 81 [Gloves of Respect]
Helm: 120 [Helm of Ice]
Leggings: 171 [Shimmering Leggings of Calming]
Ring: 190 [Shimmering Ring]
Shield: 77 [Shield of Respect]
Tunic: 160 [Tunic of Power]
Weapon: 100 [Weapon of Calming]
Sum: 1217
Penalties & Battles
Battles Won: 86
Battles Lost: 108
Total Battle Time Removed: 5 days, 08:07:59
Total Battle Time Added: 3 days, 22:00:58
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0
Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: None
Total: None
Recent Character Modifiers
[01/25/25 07:33:44.161] baNdUAN [551/1213] has been set upon by a Dire Shark [339/1261] and won! 0 days, 10:38:26 is removed from baNdUAN's clock. baNdUAN reaches level 44 in 3 days, 06:01:52.
[01/25/25 09:10:01.823] BluesJapan [896/1123] has challenged baNdUAN [309/1213] in combat and won! 0 days, 03:19:53 is removed from BluesJapan's clock. BluesJapan reaches level 44 in 1 day, 05:59:06.
[01/25/25 10:43:10.695] baNdUAN [792/1213] fights with the legendary Severus Snape [1710/1800] and lost! 0 days, 02:09:00 added to baNdUAN's time. baNdUAN reaches level 44 in 3 days, 05:01:29.
[01/25/25 10:44:34.199] baNdUAN [945/1213] fights with the legendary Harry Dresden [399/1200] and wins! 0 days, 01:26:00 removed from baNdUAN's time and 10 gold added. baNdUAN reaches level 44 in 3 days, 03:34:05.
[01/25/25 12:51:48.020] baNdUAN has learned air-bending
! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 03:40:20 towards level 44. baNdUAN reaches level 44 in 2 days, 21:46:32.
[01/25/25 17:02:04.331] baNdUAN [1141/1213] fights with the legendary Gandalf [865/2400] and wins! 0 days, 02:52:00 removed from baNdUAN's time and 10 gold added. baNdUAN reaches level 44 in 2 days, 14:44:15.
[01/25/25 17:42:48.500] Kolo, Kenshin, Opium, and CharleS [11735/12048] have group battled Barabaal, cirdan, RickAstley, baNdUAN, and Freckles [10301/13127] and won! 0 days, 01:16:36 is removed from their clocks.
[01/26/25 00:30:11.843] baNdUAN [655/1217] has been set upon by a Stone Giant [50/1156] and won! 0 days, 06:37:56 is removed from baNdUAN's clock. baNdUAN reaches level 44 in 2 days, 00:38:12.
[01/26/25 01:10:01.480] baNdUAN [285/1217] has challenged snapto [764/1282] in combat and lost! 0 days, 03:21:29 is added to baNdUAN's clock. baNdUAN reaches level 44 in 2 days, 03:19:51.
[01/26/25 10:13:02.969] Galatea, BLUE_|CE, baNdUAN, Barbaaata, and Senyapplak [4196/12705] have group battled Voidan, snapto, Freckles, L0rd-XIRCx, ina_, and Dramon [7074/9214] and lost! 0 days, 02:39:54 is added to their clocks.
[01/26/25 12:44:38.713] baNdUAN [869/1217] fights with the legendary Robin Hood [253/900] and wins! 0 days, 01:04:30 removed from baNdUAN's time and 10 gold added. baNdUAN reaches level 44 in 1 day, 17:20:38.
[01/26/25 17:59:46.531] brimstone, with its level 9 Hero [1843/4526][2046/5024] has challenged baNdUAN [1155/1217] in combat and won! 0 days, 03:40:18 is removed from brimstone's clock. brimstone reaches level 51 in 0 days, 14:41:12. (manual challenge)
[01/27/25 01:13:30.705] Appocomaster, with his level 9 Hero [3481/4349][3864/4827] has challenged baNdUAN [198/1217] in combat and won! 1 day, 17:55:06 is removed from Appocomaster's clock. Appocomaster reaches level 51 in 6 days, 23:40:25. (manual challenge)
[01/27/25 05:05:36.108] Mag, with its level 9 Hero [1311/5193][1455/5764] has challenged baNdUAN [742/1217] in combat and won! 0 days, 02:17:44 is removed from Mag's clock. Mag reaches level 51 in 0 days, 09:10:56. (manual challenge)
[01/27/25 17:01:13.791] DudaCrCinta, boboi14, brosUv, Gry, and RussellB [7020/14739] have group battled Voidan, Evoshizu, baNdUAN, AmiRuss, and _Aine_ [10467/21593] and lost! 0 days, 00:21:00 is added to their clocks.
[View all Character Modifiers (340)]