Player Info

Personal information

User: RickAstley
Team: MircPhantom
Real Name: not set
Age: not set
Gender: male
Location: not set
Email Address: not set
Class: RickRolled
Level: 72
Next level: 0 days, 16:55:55
Status: Online
Host: RickAstley!
Account Created: Fri Sep 6 05:05:47 2024
Last login: Wed Oct 9 22:40:32 2024
Total time idled: 45 days, 20:43:50
Current position: [491,681]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]

Gold: 40
Bank: 226
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
RickAstley Has Hero?: Yes
Hero Level: 9
RickAstley Has Engineer?: Yes
Engineer Level: 9



Amulet: 2004 [Shimmering Amulet of Respect]
Boots: 2002 [Shimmering Boots]
Charm: 2038 [Sparkling Charm]
Gloves: 2094 [Shimmering Gloves of Ice]
Helm: 1978 [Shimmering Helm of Caution]
Leggings: 1978 [Sparkling Leggings]
Ring: 2029 [Glowing Ring of Power]
Shield: 1982 [Sparkling Shield]
Tunic: 2026 [Glowing Tunic of Calming]
Weapon: 2036 [Sparkling Weapon]

Sum: 20167

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 1921
Battles Lost: 483
Total Battle Time Removed: 1265 days, 09:44:58
Total Battle Time Added: 269 days, 10:03:23
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 5
BET commands used (out of 5): 5

Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: None

Total: None

Recent Character Modifiers

spacer [10/22/24 04:13:47.895] RickAstley upgraded his amulet 1 points to level 1966, and has 40 gold left.
[10/22/24 04:23:50.772] RickAstley upgraded his amulet 2 points to level 1968, and has 40 gold left.
[10/22/24 04:28:52.677] RickAstley upgraded his leggings 1 points to level 1968, and has 40 gold left.
[10/22/24 04:54:56.494] RickAstley, with his level 9 Hero [4213/22089][4676/24519] has attacked a Monkey [564/4000] and killed it! 0 days, 03:30:43 is removed from RickAstley's clock. RickAstley reaches level 73 in 1 day, 19:19:02.
[10/22/24 04:54:56.497] RickAstley found the level 274 Amulet of High Spirits, but it wasn't better than his level 1968 Shimmering Amulet of Respect. He gives it to his Engineer.
[10/22/24 04:58:59.757] RickAstley upgraded all his items by 1 points, and has 40 gold left.
[10/22/24 04:58:59.761] RickAstley upgraded his leggings 5 points to level 1974, and has 40 gold left.
[10/22/24 06:13:27.136] RickAstley, with his level 9 Hero [9054/22138][10050/24573] has challenged NotaMuzika [56/2281] in combat and won! 0 days, 09:28:30 is removed from RickAstley's clock. RickAstley reaches level 73 in 1 day, 06:00:19. (manual challenge)
[10/22/24 08:37:12.780] RickAstley, with his level 9 Hero [16966/22144][18832/24580] has attacked a Monkey [2232/4000] and killed it! 0 days, 02:04:14 is removed from RickAstley's clock. RickAstley reaches level 73 in 1 day, 01:32:19.
[10/22/24 08:37:12.781] RickAstley found a level 87 gloves, but it wasn't better than his level 2083 Shimmering Gloves of Ice. He gives it to his Engineer.
[10/22/24 08:39:57.704] RickAstley upgraded all his items by 2 points, and has 40 gold left.
[10/22/24 08:39:57.708] RickAstley upgraded his leggings 2 points to level 1978, and has 40 gold left.
[10/22/24 09:19:44.836] RickAstley, with his level 9 Hero [14551/22181][16152/24621] has challenged aku [356/1735] in combat and won! 0 days, 05:27:45 is removed from RickAstley's clock. RickAstley reaches level 73 in 0 days, 19:22:03. (manual challenge)
[10/22/24 10:50:33.163] RickAstley upgraded his helm 1 points to level 1977, and has 40 gold left.
[10/22/24 11:00:35.803] RickAstley upgraded his helm 1 points to level 1978, and has 40 gold left.

[View all Character Modifiers (4114)]