Player Info

Personal information

User: Calamay
Team: SurVivorS
Real Name: not set
Age: not set
Gender: not set
Location: not set
Email Address: not set
Class: Sticky Rice
Level: 32
Next level: 0 days, 09:29:14
Status: Online
Host: Calamay!maxbern@2a05:e4c1:200a::4343:ba91
Account Created: Fri Jun 7 02:31:54 2024
Last login: Sat Sep 7 01:05:47 2024
Total time idled: 70 days, 15:44:10
Current position: [688,546]
Alignment: Neutral/Human
XML: [link]

Gold: 1019
Bank: 0
Power Potions: 0
Luck Potions: 0
Calamay Has Hero?: No
Hero Level: 0
Calamay Has Engineer?: No
Engineer Level: 0


Show map


Amulet: 65 [Amulet of Respect]
Boots: 24
Charm: 38
Gloves: 32 [Gloves of Caution]
Helm: 36
Leggings: 72 [Sparkling Leggings]
Ring: 34
Shield: 36
Tunic: 17
Weapon: 24

Sum: 378

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 68
Battles Lost: 72
Total Battle Time Removed: 0 days, 16:46:24
Total Battle Time Added: 0 days, 09:27:43
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 0
BET commands used (out of 5): 0

Kick: None
Logout: None
Mesg: None
Nick: None
Part: None
Quest: None
Quit: None

Total: None

Character Modifiers

spacer [09/02/24 15:16:35.520] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 1! It reaches level 2 in 0 days, 00:11:36.
[09/02/24 15:16:35.521] Calamay found a level 1 charm! Its current charm was level 0, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 15:16:35.532] Calamay [1/1] has challenged Carme [0/0] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:00:48 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 2 in 0 days, 00:10:48.
[09/02/24 15:16:35.534] Calamay [1/1] has been set upon by a Bat [1/1] and won! 0 days, 00:01:17 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 2 in 0 days, 00:09:31.
[09/02/24 15:26:06.724] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 2! It reaches level 3 in 0 days, 00:13:27.
[09/02/24 15:26:06.724] Calamay found a level 2 charm! Its current charm was level 1, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 15:26:06.734] Calamay [2/2] has challenged Mag [1/1] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:00:56 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 3 in 0 days, 00:12:31.
[09/02/24 15:26:06.736] Calamay [2/2] has been set upon by a Bat [1/1] and won! 0 days, 00:01:30 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 3 in 0 days, 00:11:01.
[09/02/24 15:26:07.168] Lintasan [1/2] has challenged Calamay [1/2] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:00:56 is removed from Lintasan's clock. Lintasan reaches level 3 in 0 days, 00:12:31.
[09/02/24 15:26:07.971] edo [1/2] has challenged Calamay [2/2] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:00:56 is added to edo's clock. edo reaches level 3 in 0 days, 00:14:23.
[09/02/24 15:26:16.357] Halaa [2/2] has challenged Calamay [1/2] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:00:56 is removed from Halaa's clock. Halaa reaches level 3 in 0 days, 00:12:31.
[09/02/24 15:37:09.826] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 3! It reaches level 4 in 0 days, 00:15:36.
[09/02/24 15:37:09.827] Calamay found a level 1 ring! Its current ring was level 0, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 15:37:09.836] Calamay [2/3] has challenged NiNa_38 [1/3] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:05 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 4 in 0 days, 00:14:31.
[09/02/24 15:37:09.838] Calamay [2/3] has been set upon by a Bat [2/2] and won! 0 days, 00:01:44 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 4 in 0 days, 00:12:47.
[09/02/24 15:37:10.401] myLove [1/3] has challenged Calamay [1/3] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:05 is removed from myLove's clock. myLove reaches level 4 in 0 days, 00:14:31.
[09/02/24 15:42:20.317] Roxo [2/3] has challenged Calamay [2/3] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:05 is removed from Roxo's clock. Roxo reaches level 4 in 0 days, 00:14:31.
[09/02/24 15:49:59.144] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 4! It reaches level 5 in 0 days, 00:18:06.
[09/02/24 15:49:59.145] Calamay found a level 5 leggings! Its current leggings was level 0, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 15:49:59.156] Calamay [6/8] has challenged Pulasan [1/6] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:16 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 5 in 0 days, 00:16:50.
[09/02/24 15:49:59.158] Calamay [3/8] has been set upon by a Rat [2/7] and won! 0 days, 00:02:01 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 5 in 0 days, 00:14:49.
[09/02/24 15:55:18.402] }P{ [5/9] has challenged Calamay [5/8] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:16 is removed from }P{'s clock. }P{ reaches level 5 in 0 days, 00:16:50.
[09/02/24 16:04:49.474] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 5! It reaches level 6 in 0 days, 00:21:00.
[09/02/24 16:04:49.475] Calamay found a level 4 tunic! Its current tunic was level 0, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 16:04:49.491] Calamay [12/12] has challenged Jyynee [2/4] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:28 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 6 in 0 days, 00:19:32.
[09/02/24 16:04:49.493] Calamay [7/12] has been set upon by a Raven [1/12] and won! 0 days, 00:02:20 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 6 in 0 days, 00:17:12.
[09/02/24 16:08:33.233] Berserker [3/13] has challenged Calamay [6/12] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:01:28 is added to Berserker's clock. Berserker reaches level 6 in 0 days, 00:22:28.
[09/02/24 16:22:04.134] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 6! It reaches level 7 in 0 days, 00:24:21.
[09/02/24 16:22:04.136] Calamay found a level 8 tunic! Its current tunic was level 4, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 16:22:04.152] Calamay [5/16] has challenged Mahrukhhh [6/11] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:01:42 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 7 in 0 days, 00:26:03.
[09/02/24 16:22:04.154] Calamay [14/16] has been set upon by a Dire Rat [22/26] and lost! 0 days, 00:01:18 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 7 in 0 days, 00:27:21.
[09/02/24 16:49:26.510] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 7! It reaches level 8 in 0 days, 00:28:15.
[09/02/24 16:49:26.511] Calamay found a level 3 gloves! Its current gloves was level 0, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 16:49:26.528] Calamay [6/19] has challenged User72 [2/17] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:58 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 8 in 0 days, 00:26:17.
[09/02/24 16:49:26.531] Calamay [1/19] has been set upon by a Dog [28/29] and lost! 0 days, 00:01:18 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 8 in 0 days, 00:27:35.
[09/02/24 16:49:26.572] Gry [3/17] has challenged Calamay [1/19] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:01:58 is removed from Gry's clock. Gry reaches level 8 in 0 days, 00:26:17.
[09/02/24 17:13:55.375] Calamay, L0rd-XIRCx, Zamri46, deXXteR, eJiM, and User417 [105/128] have group battled myLove, Kakuna, TestRuss, Roxo, brimstone, and myeyes [54/114] and won! 0 days, 00:00:23 is removed from their clocks.
[09/02/24 17:16:38.970] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 8! It reaches level 9 in 0 days, 00:32:47.
[09/02/24 17:16:38.972] Calamay found a level 10 boots! Its current boots was level 0, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 17:16:38.989] Calamay [15/29] has challenged Agonist [10/22] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:02:17 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 9 in 0 days, 00:30:30.
[09/02/24 17:16:38.992] Calamay [23/29] has been set upon by a Kobold [25/25] and lost! 0 days, 00:02:44 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 9 in 0 days, 00:33:14.
[09/02/24 17:22:07.603] TarsieR [5/26] has challenged Calamay [26/29] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:02:17 is added to TarsieR's clock. TarsieR reaches level 9 in 0 days, 00:35:04.
[09/02/24 17:48:56.325] Lintasan [16/31] has challenged Calamay [23/29] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:02:39 is added to Lintasan's clock. Lintasan reaches level 10 in 0 days, 00:40:40.
[09/02/24 17:49:53.666] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 9! It reaches level 10 in 0 days, 00:38:01.
[09/02/24 17:49:53.668] Calamay found a level 5 boots, but it wasn't better than its level 10 boots. It drops it on the ground.
[09/02/24 17:49:53.684] Calamay [3/29] has challenged myLove [10/29] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:02:39 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 10 in 0 days, 00:40:40.
[09/02/24 17:49:53.687] Calamay [7/29] has been set upon by a Raven [8/12] and lost! 0 days, 00:04:04 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 10 in 0 days, 00:44:44.
[09/02/24 17:50:25.624] Calamay discovered porn ! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 00:03:58 towards level 10. Calamay reaches level 10 in 0 days, 00:40:17.
[09/02/24 18:23:33.698] Liamw90 [8/40] has challenged Calamay [19/32] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:03:05 is added to Liamw90's clock. Liamw90 reaches level 11 in 0 days, 00:47:11.
[09/02/24 18:30:39.361] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 10! It reaches level 11 in 0 days, 00:44:06.
[09/02/24 18:30:39.362] Calamay found a level 13 gloves! Its current gloves was level 3, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 18:30:39.378] Calamay [19/42] has challenged [M]iranda [26/30] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:03:05 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 11 in 0 days, 00:47:11.
[09/02/24 18:30:39.380] Calamay [32/42] has been set upon by a Orc [19/41] and won! 0 days, 00:05:39 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 11 in 0 days, 00:41:32.
[09/02/24 18:36:15.438] d4n13L_ [37/42] has challenged Calamay [14/42] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:03:05 is removed from d4n13L_'s clock. d4n13L_ reaches level 11 in 0 days, 00:41:01.
[09/02/24 19:06:39.352] _Alethea_ [41/47] has challenged Calamay [14/42] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:03:34 is removed from _Alethea_'s clock. _Alethea_ reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:47:36.
[09/02/24 19:12:12.217] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 11! It reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:51:10.
[09/02/24 19:12:12.219] Calamay found a level 10 helm! Its current helm was level 0, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 19:12:12.237] Calamay [13/52] has challenged Zamri46 [31/40] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:03:34 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:54:44.
[09/02/24 19:12:12.240] Calamay [4/52] has been set upon by a Zombie [24/47] and lost! 0 days, 00:04:55 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:59:39.
[09/02/24 19:24:39.120] DudaCrCinta [44/46] has challenged Calamay [41/52] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:03:34 is removed from DudaCrCinta's clock. DudaCrCinta reaches level 12 in 0 days, 00:47:36.
[09/02/24 19:49:54.258] Volana, Cressida, dewa, Calamay, Barbaaata, and Lintasan [4/301] have group battled Margo, Picard, Kolo, Zulay, zk, and d4n13L_ [94/304] and lost! 0 days, 00:02:46 is added to their clocks.
[09/02/24 20:00:34.785] Picard [37/88] has challenged Calamay [38/52] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:04:49 is added to Picard's clock. Picard reaches level 14 in 0 days, 01:13:40.
[09/02/24 20:14:40.021] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 12! It reaches level 13 in 0 days, 00:59:21.
[09/02/24 20:14:40.022] Calamay found a level 10 amulet! Its current amulet was level 3, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 20:14:40.039] Calamay [17/59] has challenged swatchs [16/61] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:04:09 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 13 in 0 days, 00:55:12.
[09/02/24 20:14:40.042] Calamay [53/59] has been set upon by a Small Scorpion [9/59] and won! 0 days, 00:06:37 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 13 in 0 days, 00:48:35.
[09/02/24 20:17:53.382] testcrab [53/88] has challenged Calamay [48/59] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:04:49 is removed from testcrab's clock. testcrab reaches level 14 in 0 days, 01:04:02.
[09/02/24 20:43:43.915] Spiralix [86/106] has challenged Calamay [52/59] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:04:49 is removed from Spiralix's clock. Spiralix reaches level 14 in 0 days, 01:04:02.
[09/02/24 20:56:03.684] zk [51/56] has challenged Calamay [46/59] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:04:49 is removed from zk's clock. zk reaches level 14 in 0 days, 01:04:02.
[09/02/24 21:03:15.260] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 13! It reaches level 14 in 0 days, 01:08:51.
[09/02/24 21:03:15.261] Calamay found a level 13 amulet! Its current amulet was level 10, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 21:03:15.278] Calamay [22/62] has challenged Charmen [8/51] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:04:49 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 14 in 0 days, 01:04:02.
[09/02/24 21:03:15.281] Calamay [37/62] has been set upon by a Locathah [15/58] and won! 0 days, 00:07:41 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 14 in 0 days, 00:56:21.
[09/02/24 21:59:06.305] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 14! It reaches level 15 in 0 days, 01:19:52.
[09/02/24 21:59:06.306] Calamay found a level 8 helm, but it wasn't better than its level 10 helm. It drops it on the ground.
[09/02/24 21:59:06.323] Calamay [16/62] has challenged CharleS [2/47] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:05:35 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 15 in 0 days, 01:14:17.
[09/02/24 21:59:06.326] Calamay [61/62] has been set upon by a Jermlaine [37/53] and won! 0 days, 00:08:54 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 15 in 0 days, 01:05:23.
[09/02/24 22:01:12.624] FUNN [1/68] has challenged Calamay [18/62] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:05:35 is added to FUNN's clock. FUNN reaches level 15 in 0 days, 01:25:27.
[09/02/24 22:08:57.764] SurVivorS (CHARL, Calamay, Charmen, and MaxBerN) [126/273] have team battled Netgamers Battle Crew (Appocomaster, HRH_H_Crab, macrocrab, and testcrab) [295/432] and lost! Everyone in SurVivorS gets 2% added, and everyone in Netgamers Battle Crew gets 2% removed.
[09/02/24 22:27:01.050] Volana [10/75] has challenged Calamay [2/62] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:05:35 is removed from Volana's clock. Volana reaches level 15 in 0 days, 01:14:17.
[09/02/24 23:05:37.376] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 15! It reaches level 16 in 0 days, 01:32:39.
[09/02/24 23:05:37.378] Calamay found a level 17 tunic! Its current tunic was level 8, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/02/24 23:05:37.395] Calamay [12/71] has challenged Belinda [56/73] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:06:29 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 16 in 0 days, 01:39:08.
[09/02/24 23:05:37.397] Calamay [31/71] has been set upon by a Githyanki [60/70] and lost! 0 days, 00:08:55 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 16 in 0 days, 01:48:03.
[09/02/24 23:48:02.855] Maranda [18/78] has challenged Calamay [42/71] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:06:29 is added to Maranda's clock. Maranda reaches level 16 in 0 days, 01:39:08.
[09/03/24 00:34:46.531] Karamba [31/74] has challenged Calamay [14/71] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:07:31 is removed from Karamba's clock. Karamba reaches level 17 in 0 days, 01:39:57.
[09/03/24 00:53:42.547] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 16! It reaches level 17 in 0 days, 01:47:28.
[09/03/24 00:53:42.549] Calamay found a level 22 shield! Its current shield was level 12, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/03/24 00:53:42.565] Calamay [49/93] has challenged Karamba [10/74] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:07:31 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 17 in 0 days, 01:39:57.
[09/03/24 00:53:42.567] Calamay [79/93] has been set upon by a Squid [11/99] and won! 0 days, 00:11:59 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 17 in 0 days, 01:27:58.
[09/03/24 01:03:22.074] FUNN [8/95] has challenged Calamay [45/93] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:07:31 is added to FUNN's clock. FUNN reaches level 17 in 0 days, 01:54:59.
[09/03/24 02:05:34.217] gde [89/91] has challenged Calamay [24/93] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:08:43 is removed from gde's clock. gde reaches level 18 in 0 days, 01:55:57.
[09/03/24 02:21:42.672] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 17! It reaches level 18 in 0 days, 02:04:40.
[09/03/24 02:21:42.674] Calamay found a level 24 helm! Its current helm was level 10, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/03/24 02:21:42.691] Calamay [66/107] has challenged Elara [23/86] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:08:43 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 18 in 0 days, 01:55:57.
[09/03/24 02:21:42.694] Calamay [68/107] has been set upon by a Nixie [36/95] and won! 0 days, 00:13:54 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 18 in 0 days, 01:42:03.
[09/03/24 03:00:46.599] Liamw90 [191/316] has challenged Calamay [42/107] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:11:44 is removed from Liamw90's clock. Liamw90 reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:36:01.
[09/03/24 03:32:33.936] HRH_H_Crab [301/333] has challenged Calamay [76/107] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:11:44 is removed from HRH_H_Crab's clock. HRH_H_Crab reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:36:01.
[09/03/24 04:01:01.883] Xtreamm [136/151] has challenged Calamay [20/107] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:10:07 is removed from Xtreamm's clock. Xtreamm reaches level 19 in 0 days, 02:14:30.
[09/03/24 04:03:47.445] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 18! It reaches level 19 in 0 days, 02:24:37.
[09/03/24 04:03:47.447] Calamay found a level 21 ring! Its current ring was level 1, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/03/24 04:03:47.465] Calamay [13/127] has challenged Kenshin [4/117] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:10:07 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 19 in 0 days, 02:14:30.
[09/03/24 04:03:47.468] Calamay [12/127] has been set upon by a Small Spider [21/62] and lost! 0 days, 00:13:27 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 19 in 0 days, 02:27:57.
[09/03/24 04:38:12.580] kuntilanak [143/144] has challenged Calamay [39/127] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:11:44 is removed from kuntilanak's clock. kuntilanak reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:36:01.
[09/03/24 05:19:47.799] Volana [115/121] has challenged Calamay [83/127] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:10:07 is removed from Volana's clock. Volana reaches level 19 in 0 days, 02:14:30.
[09/03/24 06:31:45.410] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 19! It reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:47:45.
[09/03/24 06:31:45.411] Calamay found a level 19 helm, but it wasn't better than its level 24 helm. It drops it on the ground.
[09/03/24 06:31:45.429] Calamay [47/127] has challenged Kali [94/125] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:11:44 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:59:29.
[09/03/24 06:31:45.433] Calamay [110/127] has been set upon by a Svirfneblin Gnome [54/135] and won! 0 days, 00:21:32 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:37:57.
[09/03/24 07:46:00.203] siniStar [2/99] has come upon Calamay [11/140] and realized it was a bad decision! 0 days, 00:08:30 is added to siniStar's clock. siniStar reaches level 20 in 0 days, 02:10:02.
[09/03/24 09:09:43.588] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 20! It reaches level 21 in 0 days, 03:14:36.
[09/03/24 09:09:43.590] Calamay found the level 13 Shiny Weapon, but it wasn't better than its level 13 weapon. It drops it on the ground.
[09/03/24 09:09:43.608] Calamay [65/140] has challenged Bidlisiw [17/140] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:13:37 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 21 in 0 days, 03:00:59.
[09/03/24 09:09:43.611] Calamay [3/140] has been set upon by a Dire Weasel [81/158] and lost! 0 days, 00:16:17 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 21 in 0 days, 03:17:16.
[09/03/24 09:30:22.249] baNdUAN [98/123] has challenged Calamay [94/140] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:13:37 is removed from baNdUAN's clock. baNdUAN reaches level 21 in 0 days, 03:00:59.
[09/03/24 10:53:48.061] Kolo [7/134] has challenged Calamay [93/140] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:13:37 is added to Kolo's clock. Kolo reaches level 21 in 0 days, 03:28:13.
[09/03/24 12:01:34.439] NotaMuzika [39/135] has challenged Calamay [93/140] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:15:48 is added to NotaMuzika's clock. NotaMuzika reaches level 22 in 0 days, 04:01:32.
[09/03/24 12:27:02.169] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 21! It reaches level 22 in 0 days, 03:45:44.
[09/03/24 12:27:02.188] Calamay [85/153] has challenged peer [171/173] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:15:48 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 22 in 0 days, 04:01:32.
[09/03/24 12:27:02.191] Calamay [62/153] has been set upon by a Violet Fungus [188/232] and lost! 0 days, 00:12:04 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 22 in 0 days, 04:13:36.
[09/03/24 13:34:56.527] Galatea [101/143] has challenged Calamay [117/153] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:15:48 is added to Galatea's clock. Galatea reaches level 22 in 0 days, 04:01:32.
[09/03/24 16:40:39.411] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 22! It reaches level 23 in 0 days, 04:21:51.
[09/03/24 16:40:39.412] Calamay found a level 30 charm! Its current charm was level 15, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/03/24 16:40:39.423] Calamay [12/173] has challenged Margo [68/112] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:18:19 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 23 in 0 days, 04:40:10.
[09/03/24 16:40:39.425] Calamay [120/173] has been set upon by a Stirge [52/55] and won! 0 days, 00:19:36 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 23 in 0 days, 04:20:34.
[09/03/24 21:00:23.275] Oracle [57/165] has challenged Calamay [130/173] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:18:19 is added to Oracle's clock. Oracle reaches level 23 in 0 days, 04:40:10.
[09/03/24 21:02:01.552] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 23! It reaches level 24 in 0 days, 05:03:45.
[09/03/24 21:02:01.554] Calamay found a level 24 boots! Its current boots was level 10, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/03/24 21:02:01.572] Calamay [73/187] has challenged }P{ [123/193] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:21:15 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 24 in 0 days, 05:25:00.
[09/03/24 21:02:01.575] Calamay [2/187] has been set upon by a Lantern Archon [80/203] and lost! 0 days, 00:29:15 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 24 in 0 days, 05:54:15.
[09/03/24 21:51:58.847] Calamay was taught to run quickly by a secret tribe of pygmies that know how to, among other things, run quickly ! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 00:15:13 towards level 24. Calamay reaches level 24 in 0 days, 04:49:08.
[09/04/24 00:33:35.785] Barabaal [13/169] has challenged Calamay [166/187] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:24:39 is added to Barabaal's clock. Barabaal reaches level 25 in 0 days, 06:17:00.
[09/04/24 02:48:54.177] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 24! It reaches level 25 in 0 days, 05:52:21.
[09/04/24 02:48:54.178] Calamay found a level 22 ring! Its current ring was level 21, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/04/24 02:48:54.195] Calamay [92/188] has challenged Dagohoy [181/186] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:24:39 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 25 in 0 days, 06:17:00.
[09/04/24 02:48:54.198] Calamay [119/188] has been set upon by a Thri-kren [55/75] and won! 0 days, 00:26:23 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 25 in 0 days, 05:50:37.
[09/04/24 03:22:01.859] LEAFS [111/168] has challenged Calamay [101/188] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:24:39 is removed from LEAFS's clock. LEAFS reaches level 25 in 0 days, 05:27:42.
[09/04/24 07:54:52.220] Pirchxxx [171/208] has challenged Calamay [41/188] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:28:36 is removed from Pirchxxx's clock. Pirchxxx reaches level 26 in 0 days, 06:20:08.
[09/04/24 08:41:19.149] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 25! It reaches level 26 in 0 days, 06:48:44.
[09/04/24 08:41:19.151] Calamay found a level 16 ring, but it wasn't better than its level 22 ring. It drops it on the ground.
[09/04/24 08:41:19.168] Calamay [18/188] has challenged BluesJapan [163/175] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:28:36 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 26 in 0 days, 07:17:20.
[09/04/24 08:41:19.170] Calamay [74/188] has been set upon by a Choker [36/159] and won! 0 days, 00:52:28 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 26 in 0 days, 06:24:52.
[09/04/24 12:48:47.121] evo [54/275] has challenged Calamay [38/188] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:33:11 is removed from evo's clock. evo reaches level 27 in 0 days, 07:20:57.
[09/04/24 12:50:35.665] L0rd-XIRCx [88/189] has challenged Calamay [105/188] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:33:11 is added to L0rd-XIRCx's clock. L0rd-XIRCx reaches level 27 in 0 days, 08:27:19.
[09/04/24 15:07:16.234] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 26! It reaches level 27 in 0 days, 07:54:08.
[09/04/24 15:07:16.235] Calamay found a level 38 charm! Its current charm was level 30, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/04/24 15:07:16.252] Calamay [174/213] has challenged Mi[R]ay [23/229] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:33:11 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 27 in 0 days, 07:20:57.
[09/04/24 15:07:16.255] Calamay [73/213] has been set upon by a Dread Guard [26/198] and won! 0 days, 00:52:54 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 27 in 0 days, 06:28:03.
[09/04/24 21:22:47.516] Calamay [92/213] has been set upon by a Violet Fungus [188/234] and lost! 0 days, 00:01:07 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 27 in 0 days, 00:13:42.
[09/04/24 21:36:26.529] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 27! It reaches level 28 in 0 days, 09:10:00.
[09/04/24 21:36:26.548] Calamay [138/238] has challenged Berserker [28/269] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:38:30 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 28 in 0 days, 08:31:30.
[09/04/24 21:36:26.551] Calamay [127/238] has been set upon by a Wight [221/252] and lost! 0 days, 00:46:02 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 28 in 0 days, 09:17:32.
[09/04/24 22:28:56.446] Barbaaata, _Alectrona_, Calamay, and TarsieR [290/998] have group battled aku, naka, [N]eoma, Despina, and LichKing [234/1154] and won! 0 days, 00:24:52 is removed from their clocks.
[09/04/24 23:49:48.556] Calamay [82/238] has come upon CAINGGET [2/126] and wins! 0 days, 00:27:57 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 28 in 0 days, 06:11:24.
[09/05/24 05:00:40.004] yang [273/308] has challenged Calamay [188/238] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:44:39 is removed from yang's clock. yang reaches level 29 in 0 days, 09:53:21.
[09/05/24 06:01:11.885] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 28! It reaches level 29 in 0 days, 10:38:00.
[09/05/24 06:01:11.886] Calamay found a level 36 shield! Its current shield was level 22, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/05/24 06:01:11.904] Calamay [65/252] has challenged Induu [45/243] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:44:39 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 29 in 0 days, 09:53:21.
[09/05/24 06:01:11.907] Calamay [105/252] has been set upon by a Shrieker [46/80] and won! 0 days, 00:41:32 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 29 in 0 days, 09:11:49.
[09/05/24 08:23:51.142] Koach [98/222] has challenged Calamay [13/252] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:44:39 is removed from Koach's clock. Koach reaches level 29 in 0 days, 09:53:21.
[09/05/24 10:29:00.902] myLove [8/277] has challenged Calamay [161/252] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:44:39 is added to myLove's clock. myLove reaches level 29 in 0 days, 11:22:39.
[09/05/24 12:00:07.346] Calamay [56/252] fights with the legendary Hermione Granger [92/450] and lost! 0 days, 00:21:00 added to Calamay's time. Calamay reaches level 29 in 0 days, 03:22:01.
[09/05/24 13:22:53.694] Calamay [191/264] has been set upon by a Fire Bat [218/285] and lost! 0 days, 00:10:28 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 29 in 0 days, 02:06:48.
[09/05/24 15:29:38.672] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 29! It reaches level 30 in 0 days, 12:20:05.
[09/05/24 15:29:38.687] Calamay [191/283] has challenged aku [93/294] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:51:48 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 30 in 0 days, 11:28:17.
[09/05/24 15:29:38.689] Calamay [84/283] has been set upon by a Large Scorpion [213/274] and lost! 0 days, 01:01:56 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 30 in 0 days, 12:30:13.
[09/05/24 18:07:16.226] d4n13L_ [35/333] has challenged Calamay [108/283] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:51:48 is added to d4n13L_'s clock. d4n13L_ reaches level 30 in 0 days, 13:11:53.
[09/05/24 20:31:27.756] kuntilanak [310/755] has challenged Calamay [9/283] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:09:42 is removed from kuntilanak's clock. kuntilanak reaches level 32 in 0 days, 15:26:09.
[09/05/24 20:35:19.553] Fritzl, Ayselll, CharleS, _Alethea_, d4n13L_, Volana, and baNdUAN [1267/2339] have group battled keepmyshirt, Kusumanjali, Kaalaka, Calamay, Misza, Silvanus_Betrium, and kametniza [1747/1814] and lost! 0 days, 00:49:34 is added to their clocks.
[09/06/24 00:12:24.538] Neomafia [408/437] has challenged Calamay [206/283] in combat and won! 0 days, 00:51:48 is removed from Neomafia's clock. Neomafia reaches level 30 in 0 days, 11:28:17.
[09/06/24 00:15:46.625] Calamay [57/283] fights with the legendary Cheshire Cat [3/300] and wins! 0 days, 00:14:30 removed from Calamay's time and 10 gold added. Calamay reaches level 30 in 0 days, 03:32:25.
[09/06/24 03:51:34.580] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 30! It reaches level 31 in 0 days, 14:18:29.
[09/06/24 03:51:34.581] Calamay found a level 41 amulet! Its current amulet was level 30, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/06/24 03:51:34.599] Calamay [242/294] has challenged Voidan [74/89] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:00:05 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 31 in 0 days, 13:18:24.
[09/06/24 03:51:34.603] Calamay [214/294] has been set upon by a Allip [220/329] and lost! 0 days, 01:11:51 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 31 in 0 days, 14:30:15.
[09/06/24 05:59:59.429] RickAstley, Merovingian, and Kusumanjali [269/775] have group battled Calamay, Carme, and HappySiblings [269/931] and won! 0 days, 00:01:47 is removed from their clocks.
[09/06/24 06:38:00.640] Mugger [114/418] has challenged Calamay [141/319] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:00:05 is added to Mugger's clock. Mugger reaches level 31 in 0 days, 15:18:34.
[09/06/24 08:15:00.872] _Andarta_ [215/395] has challenged Calamay [80/319] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:00:05 is removed from _Andarta_'s clock. _Andarta_ reaches level 31 in 0 days, 13:18:24.
[09/06/24 08:44:04.652] Picard [693/1117] has challenged Calamay [165/319] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:20:51 is removed from Picard's clock. Picard reaches level 33 in 0 days, 17:54:20.
[09/06/24 09:09:35.139] CAINGGET, dewa, Voidan, and Bidlisiw [767/1087] have group battled MaxBerN, kuntilanak, Kali, arabella, and Calamay [873/1884] and lost! 0 days, 00:08:49 is added to their clocks.
[09/06/24 09:11:19.306] Amateur Hour (Darnokz, Kurenai, SmOkE, Suci, Trickster, cLuBbY, edo, and nax) [1142/2945] have team battled SurVivorS (BLUE_|CE, Bidlisiw, Calamay, Dagohoy, Karamba, MawMag, MaxBerN, and }P{) [1021/3103] and won! Everyone in Amateur Hour gets 3% removed, and everyone in SurVivorS gets 3% added.
[09/06/24 10:21:35.376] BLUE_ICE [33/507] has challenged Calamay [95/319] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:09:42 is added to BLUE_ICE's clock. BLUE_ICE reaches level 32 in 0 days, 17:45:33.
[09/06/24 10:25:07.105] Bidlisiw [82/352] has challenged Calamay [72/319] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:00:05 is removed from Bidlisiw's clock. Bidlisiw reaches level 31 in 0 days, 13:18:24.
[09/06/24 11:35:48.610] SurVivorS (CADREPH, CAINGGET, Calamay, Charmen, MaxBerN, TarsieR, snapto, and }P{) [2090/2629] have team battled Amateur Hour (Darnokz, Kurenai, SmOkE, Suci, Trickster, cLuBbY, edo, and nax) [2896/2945] and lost! Everyone in SurVivorS gets 1% added, and everyone in Amateur Hour gets 1% removed.
[09/06/24 18:42:34.092] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 31! It reaches level 32 in 0 days, 16:35:51.
[09/06/24 18:42:34.093] Calamay found a level 33 helm! Its current helm was level 24, so it seems Luck is with it!
[09/06/24 18:42:34.110] Calamay [202/338] has challenged brosUv [168/334] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:09:42 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 32 in 0 days, 15:26:09.
[09/06/24 18:42:34.113] Calamay [246/338] has been set upon by a Tiger [3/375] and won! 0 days, 01:51:08 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 32 in 0 days, 13:35:01.
[09/07/24 07:38:30.263] mircbIRXc [248/362] has challenged Calamay [221/338] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:20:51 is removed from mircbIRXc's clock. mircbIRXc reaches level 33 in 0 days, 17:54:20.
[09/07/24 08:18:34.833] Calamay, Sticky Rice, has attained level 32! It reaches level 33 in 0 days, 19:15:11.
[09/07/24 08:18:34.852] Calamay [66/375] has challenged Yunis [355/381] in combat and lost! 0 days, 01:20:51 is added to Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 33 in 0 days, 20:36:02.
[09/07/24 08:18:34.855] Calamay [34/375] has been set upon by a Giant Stag Beetle [23/408] and won! 0 days, 02:28:19 is removed from Calamay's clock. Calamay reaches level 33 in 0 days, 18:07:43.
[09/07/24 15:49:11.040] Rosalinnd [196/352] has challenged Calamay [8/378] in combat and won! 0 days, 01:32:24 is removed from Rosalinnd's clock. Rosalinnd reaches level 33 in 0 days, 17:42:47.